Dried Fruits Import: Attractive Business Opportunity for International Businesses

Dried fruits are a rapidly growing market with significant potential for international businesses. WTP Agri will analyze the opportunities and formulas that international businesses need to consider when participating in this market.

Dried fruits import: A promising business opportunity for international businesses

Dried fruits are fruits that have had the water removed, leaving the flesh and nutrients intact. They can be made from a variety of fruits, including apples, grapes, dates, apricots, blueberries, etc.

The global dried fruits market is growing at a rapid pace. According to Grand View Research, the market is expected to reach a value of $123.5 billion by 2028, up from $78.8 billion in 2021.

There are many factors driving the growth of the dried fruits market, including:

  • Population and income growth
  • Changing lifestyles
  • Demand for healthy foods

Opportunities and challenges for international businesses in the dried fruits market

Opportunities for international businesses

The dried fruits market is a promising market for international businesses. Businesses can capitalize on the following opportunities:

  • Increasing demand: Demand for dried fruits is increasing worldwide, especially in emerging markets.
  • Consumer trends: Consumers are becoming increasingly concerned about health and nutrition, which is creating high demand for dried fruits.
  • Export potential: Many countries have advantages in dried fruits production, therefore, there is great export potential.

Challenges for international businesses

International businesses also need to be aware of some challenges when entering the dried fruits market, including:

  • Competition: The dried fruits market is becoming increasingly competitive, with participation from businesses from different countries.
  • Tariffs: Tariffs can be a barrier to dried fruits exports.
  • Regulatory requirements: Businesses need to comply with the regulatory requirements of the importing country.

Attractive Business Opportunity for International Businesses


The dried fruits market is a promising market for international businesses. Businesses can capitalize on these opportunities by understanding the key market drivers, identifying the challenges that need to be addressed, and developing appropriate strategies.

This vast potential has opened up many opportunities for dried fruit businesses. Taking advantage of diverse and abundant fruit sources, businesses in Vietnam have increasingly developed processed fruit products, especially dried fruit. WTP Agri - a dried fruit supplier in Vietnam, we are proud to produce high quality products that meet international standards such as ISO, HALAL, GLOBALGAP,.... If you are looking for a reputable dried fruit supplier, WTP Agri is your top choice. We are ready to accompany you on the journey to conquer this potential market.

Do not hesitate to reach out to us for further insight and exploration into how we may contribute to the sustainable development of your enterprise. Contact us by filling out the contact form which you can find on this page. Either get in touch with our team at agri.crm@wtp.vn or give us a call on (+84)971 279 099. And remember we can also provide tailored service if you need it.

You are reading: Dried Fruits Import: Attractive Business Opportunity for International Businesses
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